RCF Sponsoring Seniors in Helping Local Businesses

At the end of March 2020, RCF began a food campaign servicing the Sunrise Association of Marlboro, NJ by supporting local restaurants and providing daily meals to the staff and residents of the facility. These meals bring a little “sunshine” to the incredible and dedicated senior staff as well as the residents while providing much needed income to local small businesses navigating their way during this most challenging time. This programs further strengthens the community bond.

Mikey's Way Foundation

On July 11 2019, 23 children were visited during the Mikey's Way Day at Yale New Haven Children's Hospital. With the help of Michelle Rabinowitz from The Rabinowitz Charitable Foundation Mikey’s Way was able to brighten lives of children during a most difficult time in their lives.

About Mikey’s Way Foundation

Mikey’s Way Foundation received its vision from our founder, Michael “Mikey” Friedman—a way to help connect and enrich the lives of children suffering with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.

The Foundation helps children cope with the isolationboredom and fear associated with life-threatening illnesses. It is the goal of the foundation to be able to connect every child with their friends, family and school, enabling them to cope with the long hours, days and weeks of separation that they must endure. In creating a connection, we are in turn presenting the child with a form of diversion. This diversion is a necessary element to the Mind-Body connection, or Psychoneuroimmunology. Continued studies have shown that when the mind is stimulated and engaged, the body can respond in positive ways—more tolerable nausea, lower fever, higher blood counts and a more relaxed patient. This holds great importance for our seriously ill children.

Our “Mikey’s Way Connection Cart” circles the pediatric floors of the hospitals we serve, giving away all forms of electronics that permit the child to create their own diversion and thus allow for the Mind-Body connection. Every child is allowed to choose the item that they feel will work best for them.

Since our inception in late 2005, the foundation has been able to reach over 7,000 seriously ill children.

The children need to (in a word) ESCAPE…Mikey’s Way

To learn more about the Mikey’s Way Foundation please visit: https://www.mikeysway.org/


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Each year around Christmas, the Cops Who Care Holiday Turkey and Ham Giveaway is held in Suffolk County. The Troopers Memorial Fund partners with New York State Police and Suffolk County Police Department to raise money, which is used to purchase turkeys and hams. Troopers, Police Officers, Suffolk County Crime Stoppers personnel, Citizens Academy graduates and various community leaders then get together to hand out the turkeys and hams to needy families.

RCF will be Co-Sponsor for the 11th Annual Cops Who Care Food Drive, alongside 7-Eleven and Siler & Ingber, LLP.